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What You Should Know About Life Insurance

Life Insurance Arlington is a safety net that pays out a sum of money when you die. It can help reduce your family’s financial burden, cover existing debt or provide an inheritance.

How much coverage you need depends on your situation and the people who depend on you. A financial professional can help you determine your needs.

Many people purchase life insurance to provide financial security for their loved ones after they die. This can include paying off a mortgage, debts, funeral expenses or other final expenses, providing income to a family after the loss of a breadwinner and covering children’s education costs. It can also be used to leave an inheritance.

Most types of life insurance provide a lump-sum death benefit to the beneficiaries named in the policy upon the insured’s death. Beneficiaries can be one or more individuals or organizations. In most cases, the insured and the policyholder are the same person, but some policies allow for coverage on a non-insured individual when there is an insurable interest, such as business partners or spouses.

Purchasing life insurance often depends on your current and future needs and your budget. A financial professional can help you determine the amount of coverage you need and recommend the type of policy that will fit your situation.

There are many different types of life insurance policies, including term and whole life. Term policies typically have level premiums over a period, such as 10, 20 or 30 years and expire at a pre-determined age (usually 80). Whole life insurance is designed to last throughout an entire lifetime and pays out a death benefit regardless of the insured’s health or other circumstances. Some whole life policies have a savings element or cash value that accumulates on a tax-deferred basis.


The premium is the amount of money paid to purchase a life insurance policy. The premium is based on a variety of factors, including the insured’s life expectancy and the insurer’s cost of doing business. Some of the premium goes toward the death benefit, while some goes to the insurance company’s operating expenses. Premiums can be paid monthly, semi-annually or annually.

Generally speaking, the younger and healthier you are when you buy a life insurance policy, the lower your premiums will be. Insurers also take into consideration the amount of debt you may have, such as mortgage or credit card debt, and whether you’re planning to have children in the future, as this can impact the amount of coverage needed.

Some of the other factors that can affect your premium include your medical history and your job and lifestyle, such as high-risk hobbies or a dangerous profession. A preexisting condition that could shorten your life expectancy may also affect your rates, as can your alcohol and drug use.

Certain life insurance policies provide flexibility in the way you pay your premiums, such as a whole life plan that allows you to choose a flexible premium option for the first few years of your coverage and then increases your premium at a later date. This provides a more manageable cost over the long term. Other life insurance policies, such as a universal or variable universal policy, allow you to borrow against your cash value, which can be used to pay your premiums if necessary.


Many life insurance policies come with riders, which are add-ons that modify coverage in some way. They can cover a wide range of circumstances and options, from accelerated death benefits to waiver of premiums. These features can increase the value of a policy, though they typically cost extra. They can also require additional underwriting and possibly a medical exam.

Generally, you should buy a rider at the same time as your life insurance policy. However, some companies allow you to add a rider after purchasing a policy. You may also have to undergo a medical exam again to qualify for certain riders, such as a guaranteed insurability rider on whole life insurance.

Riders can be useful for people who want to protect themselves against unforeseen events and provide financial support to loved ones in special situations. However, they should be carefully considered and evaluated, as they can significantly increase your premium. It’s best to consult a licensed agent to discuss the benefits of a rider and determine whether it’s worth the added cost for your specific circumstances.

If you’re considering adding a life insurance rider to your policy, contact Policygenius for help from an experienced independent insurance advisor. Our experts are licensed in all 50 states and can walk you through the entire life insurance buying process while providing transparent, unbiased advice. Request your free quote to get started.


When you take out life insurance, you can name one or more beneficiaries. They will receive a portion of the policy’s death benefit when you die. The payout can be used by your beneficiaries to pay for funeral costs, debts, children’s education expenses or other costs. Beneficiaries can be people or organizations, like charities and trusts. It’s important to choose someone you can trust. Some policies may limit who you can name as a beneficiary or require that a spouse be named. You also need to consider whether you want your beneficiaries to be “revocable” or “irrevocable.”

With a revocable beneficiary, you can change the name at any time. With an irrevocable beneficiary, you can’t change it unless you get the current beneficiary’s consent or if you transfer ownership of the policy. A financial professional or attorney can help you determine which option is best for your situation.

To make it easier for the insurer to find your beneficiaries, be sure to list them with their full names and Social Security numbers. It’s a good idea to review your beneficiaries every year and after any major life changes, like a birth, divorce or death of a loved one. In addition, you should regularly review your policies to ensure that they still meet your needs.


The lapse of life insurance happens when the policyholder fails to make payments within the grace period. Once the grace period ends, the life insurance contract terminates and the beneficiary no longer receives a death benefit. In addition, if the policy is a permanent one (like whole life insurance), there may be tax implications based on how much the cash value has accumulated over time.

A lapsed life insurance policy can often be reinstated by paying back premiums and possibly interest. However, depending on how long the policy was inactive, the insurer may require a new health questionnaire and/or medical exam. If the health information is significantly different from what was given at the original application, the insurer may refuse to reinstate the policy.

Ideally, to prevent a policy from lapse, a policyholder should set up automatic payments, if possible, so that the life insurance company never misses a payment due to forgetfulness or insufficient funds. Calendar reminders are also a good idea.

Life insurance is a valuable tool that helps protect loved ones from financial hardship. Whether it’s a term life plan that expires or a permanent policy with a growing cash value, a lapse can leave beneficiaries without any peace of mind or financial security. By exploring options for reinstatement and utilizing the grace period, individuals can safeguard their life insurance coverage and keep their families protected.


A major reason for cancelling a life insurance policy is that the policyowner no longer feels they need or want it. This may occur due to a change in financial circumstances or a change in goals and priorities. However, it’s important to consider alternative ways to meet these goals before cancelling your life insurance policy.

For example, if a wealthy family member passes away and leaves you an inheritance, you may decide to invest the money instead of paying for a life insurance premium. It’s also possible that the cost of insurance (COI) increases have made the life insurance premium unaffordable. This is a good reason to speak with your agent or life insurance company about lowering your coverage.

Another common reason for cancelling a life insurance policy occurs when the policyholder finds other investment opportunities that provide a better return. In this case, the policyowner will often cash out their life insurance and receive a lump sum of money from the insurer minus any surrender fees.

Some policies also allow the policyholder to borrow against their cash value, which they can use for living expenses, long-term retirement costs, and other financial obligations. However, the loan must be repaid before your beneficiaries can receive your death benefit. If you decide to cancel your life insurance, make sure to check with your insurer about any cancellation rules or requirements and complete any required paperwork.

The Importance of a Skilled Injury Lawyer

Personal Injury Lawyer Duluth deal with many different types of lawsuits, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and defective products. They must understand how to analyze the evidence in each case and determine if there are grounds for a claim.

They also need to be familiar with insurance company tactics and the complexities of filing a claim within a short deadline.

A lawyer’s experience in personal injury law is a key factor in how well they can perform your case. An experienced Manhattan injury attorney with extensive training and knowledge of the law will be able to get you the most compensation possible for your injury claim.

An experienced lawyer will be able to handle all aspects of your case, from preparing the initial pleadings to filing the lawsuit and arguing it in court. During the pleading stage, the lawyer will outline what happened in your accident and explain why you need to be compensated. Then, your lawyer will implement a strategy to gather evidence and build your case. This can include depositions and deposition questions, as well as subpoenas for documents and physical evidence.

Throughout the legal process, your lawyer will work closely with you to ensure that your rights are protected and that the case is progressing as it should. You should look for an injury lawyer who is empathetic and understanding, because clients often deal with emotional traumas after their injuries. It is also important for an injury lawyer to have a deep understanding of their client’s long-term losses because this will help them get the best result in the case.

In addition to their own expertise, an injury lawyer should have good connections in the industry. They will need to have a network of experts who can provide testimony in court and assist with building the case. This includes medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, life care planners, and economists.

Finally, a good injury lawyer will be able to negotiate with billion-dollar insurance companies and know how to win a favorable settlement. They will also have the skills to take a case to trial if the insurers refuse to offer a fair amount for your injury.

When interviewing potential injury lawyers, ask them about their previous experiences with cases similar to yours. Then, ask about their reputation in the industry and what other lawyers think of them. Look for an injury attorney who is highly regarded by others and can provide you with references from satisfied clients.

Knowledge of the Law

Injury lawyers must have a thorough understanding of the law and precedents. They must also be able to identify and interpret current legal issues that could impact their clients. This involves ongoing professional development and attending seminars and training events. Additionally, they must know the statutes of limitations for different types of claims. For example, there are different deadlines for medical malpractice claims and wrongful death claims. A good injury lawyer will be able to quickly and efficiently evaluate whether or not a client has a claim for compensation.

They must be able to understand the medical records of their clients. During the case evaluation process, they will look for evidence that supports the claim and gather documents that prove the extent of a victim’s losses. They will also have experience interpreting medical records and determining the best way to present them during litigation.

Injuries can occur from a variety of causes, including car accidents, medical malpractice, and workplace injuries. It is critical that an injury attorney have a solid grasp of the various types of injuries and the medical treatment required for each. They should also be familiar with the laws and legal procedures that apply in each state.

Another skill that an injury lawyer must have is the ability to effectively communicate with doctors and other medical personnel. This is particularly important because medical professionals think of causation in terms of scientific certainty, which is different than the legal standard of “more likely than not.” An injury lawyer must be able to explain this difference to medical personnel and convey to them what is and is not proof of an accident’s cause.

Injury attorneys often find themselves battling giant corporations and insurance companies — metaphorical ‘Goliaths’ in the legal world. They must have the strength and courage to stand up against these adversaries, who typically have large legal teams and seemingly limitless resources at their disposal.

A skilled injury attorney will know how to negotiate with these entities and will be able to help victims secure fair settlements. They will understand the legal arguments and evidence that can support a claim and ensure that victims are not taken advantage of by insurers who are trying to deny or reduce their damages.

Ability to Negotiate

A personal injury attorney’s ability to negotiate is essential to achieving maximum settlements for their clients. This requires thorough evaluations of both liability and damages, as well as the ability to communicate effectively with opposing parties and insurance companies throughout the process.

When negotiating, attorneys must be prepared to counter lowball offers with reasonable arguments and compelling evidence. This can be a lengthy process, but persistence is key in reaching a fair agreement. Attorneys also need to remain mindful of the statute of limitations, which typically gives victims two years to file a lawsuit or lose their right to pursue compensation.

An effective negotiation strategy involves crafting a demand letter that summarizes the case accurately while providing evidence of both liability and damages. In addition, they must clearly state their initial settlement demand to initiate discussions with the insurance company. This allows them to set expectations for how much they believe the claim is worth and to increase their chances of obtaining a fair settlement offer.

The document should detail the financial losses incurred, including medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. It should also include intangible costs such as pain and suffering, which are important to a client’s quality of life. This will give the attorney a strong bargaining position when negotiating with the insurance company and help them achieve a fair settlement that adequately covers all their client’s damages.

After presenting their initial settlement demands, attorneys must evaluate the opposing party’s response and make any necessary adjustments. They may also need to consider alternative dispute resolution methods like mediation and arbitration, which can speed up negotiations and lead to a quicker resolution for both sides.

As a final step, an experienced injury lawyer will review any official documents, authorizations, or agreements that they are asked to sign on behalf of their client. This will ensure that the terms of the agreement are in line with their client’s best interests and do not contain any hidden clauses that could negatively impact their case.

Ability to Collect Evidence

The evidence in a legal case can make or break the outcome. A skilled injury lawyer knows how to identify the most important evidence and present it in a way that can impact the case’s final verdict.

There are three overarching types of legal proof: direct, circumstantial, and forensic evidence. The strongest type of evidence is direct evidence, which links a person or event directly to a specific crime or accident without any inference or speculation. Direct evidence includes physical evidence such as damaged clothing, skid marks on the road, or photographs of an accident scene. It also includes medical records that demonstrate the impact of an injury. Finally, it may include witness testimonies that provide additional insight into the incident.

All of these types of evidence can be crucial to a personal injury case. But in a world where witnesses’ memories fade, skid marks disappear, and physical injuries heal, it’s critical for victims and their attorneys to take proactive measures to document and preserve as much evidence as possible.

Injury lawyers will typically use private investigators and experts to collect the most compelling evidence for their cases. They will work closely with their clients to understand the scope of the injury and how it occurred, which will guide their strategy for pursuing compensation from at-fault parties.

They will also have experience dealing with insurance companies, and they can anticipate how the insurer will approach your claim. This helps them assemble the right evidence and arguments to minimize the risk of the insurer lowering or denying your settlement offer.

In some cases, the at-fault party may argue that you share some of the blame for your own accident. A skilled injury lawyer will be able to determine the percentage of fault for your injuries, which can help you win a more reasonable settlement. They will also know how to handle any challenges from opposing counsel regarding the evidence in your case. For example, if the defense attorney claims that witness testimony is unreliable, your injury lawyer will have the right to question the witnesses’ credibility.